divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2016



The question "Does humor play an important role in life? could be taken from different points of view as it's a subjective question. However I am not going to do a summary of them, but give my opinion. 

On the one hand humor is a trait of personality that is usually well appreciated. It's helpful because makes people face the facts in a good and healthy way. As it is said it's better to smile than to cry. In addition people tend to be more relaxed and feel more comfortable next to people with good humor.
On another hand, humor is not always good received or appropiated. Not everybody likes all kind of humor, and a person who is always making jokes can be annoying. What is worse, some people don't know when is appropiated to make a joke and when is necessary to be quiet and seriously. 

So, as a summary I would say that humor could be really good in our life, as everybody likes laughing and having fun, but anyway it should not be forgotten that it's very important to know in which places and events it's good received and also which kind of humor. 

dissabte, 15 d’octubre del 2016



In my room I have a picture with a phrase. It is situated in a way that when I’m lying on my bed I can read it perfectly, so it makes me think about it quite a lot. The sentence is “The beautiful ways multiply when you think the road ends”.

My interpretation is that when you think that any problem has no solution, when you are stuck in a point  you think you could never leave,  when you think that there no way to do something or you think all is going to an end, then is when all the hypothetic door you didn’t even contemplated appears. Another interpretation is that maybe, the phrase, it could just be a optimistic perception, a way to say that even when you think what is happen is the worse there is a hidden good part you can’t see now because you are stuck on a thought. Another interpretation could be that at this desperate point you can’t find a way to continue, it’s went you have the opportunity to see that maybe you are in the wrong way, so is when you realise that there no solution because you are in the wrong position to focus the thing. So maybe you can take this phase like the one that says “If we don’t get lost, we’ll never find a new route”

I could continue with more interpretation because as the perception is subjective you can find a lot of different ways to interpreted, but the thing is that this phrase is really inspiriting for me and makes me keep calm and see the things with other eyes when things are not going well. 

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016



The other day I listened a song called Màgic from Joan Colomo (catalan artist), that attracted my attention. That was because of a phrase of the song that says “I don’t want the truth, I just want to be happy” That makes me think because also, months ago I read a book that contains a phrase that says “The cost for knowing all the truths in the world, is your happiness.

I found interesting  both phrases because they keep me thinking…

If one thing you should know is going to ruin your life, it’s better to don’t know it ?

I mean, it’s better to live in a big lie which you don’t know about, so you are the happier person in the world thinking that everything is as you imagine, or maybe you prefer to live knowing all the truths even if these make you a miserable person?

It’s clear that this are extremes but the point is that your happiness is one the most important things and it’s easy to destroy it sometimes. Also this depends on the person.

So my conclusion is that I don’t want to be an unaware but at the same times if it is something that is not going to provided me nothing, and it’s not trivial to know it… in the case that this is going  to make me feel wrong, I don't really know if I prefer to know or if not. 

dilluns, 3 d’octubre del 2016



This news item was posted in the web side News in  Level, the 16th September of 2016. The title of the new is Acid attacks on women and the link to this article is here:

The news, as the title announces, talks about an aggression to a woman in the city of Delhi with and really dangerous acid. The story stated 11 years ago, when the girl was 15, and  in front of the proposal of marriage of a boy she said no. Then 10 months later they met by chance in a market and the man pushed her to the floor and poured acid on her. The worse, as the item explains, is that this woman was hidden for  four years because she wasn’t brave enough to face that tragical accident. After this years she decided to change the view she had of herself and the view other had of her and thanks a charity that supports acid attacks could felt more like a normal person than a victim. 

This item surprised me a lot. It’s incredible how far away goes humanity stupidity. I really don’t understand why this men would do that but it makes me feel there are so many injustices it wouldn’t be. For another part, I’m kind of happy that the author of this item has focused the things more in the part of the women recovering and fighting, than in the fact of the accident. I imagine how hard could be being in this situation and i supose you have to be very brave to have the grit to go out in public and explain your story. So I’m happy for the way the woman finally managed the situation, and the help she received.