This news was posted on the 17th May 2016 on a
web site called English in levels. The article talks about the withdrawal of 11
elephants which were in the Ringling Brothers' Circus doing an amazing show. As
the news says, the animals have been moved to Florida, in a conservation
centre. Finally the article explains that elephants are endangered, so there
are fewer than 40,000 elephants in the wild.
In my opinion I think this is fantastic news. I
really like the idea of elephants not being used and mistreated in Circuses.
The conditions of animals living in captivity, not only in a Circus but also in
a zoo, are very poor and miserable, and they should have the right to live in
their real habitat. So I’m glad these poor 11 elephants could now have a better
life. People seem to be getting more and more conscious about the topic of
animal rights and endangered animals.