divendres, 17 de març del 2017

Research task

To see some differents points of view respect this topic i'm going to present some opinions I have found and finally my point of view. 

The point of view that shows this webside is that people looks for love because they don't feel comfortable with themselves, living alone. That love is just little affection, security or stability and sex, and there is no more. The writer says that be can be happy without a partner.And in conclusions says that people should learn to live alone and being alone and stop looking for idealized love. 

Another webside says that in general society has the belief that happiness is united to have a partner, that if you don't have it you miss a half. But in his opinion we are  not half of a orange but a complete orange.
Also says that it's true that increases considerably your happiness loving and being love, but you can also be happy without a partner and unhappy with a partner. So he has a moderate position. In conclusion says that
you should love yourself above all things but this doesn't meant that you don't need love from outside

Finally there is this last webside that as a totally different vision. As the writer says giving and receiving love is a capacity for which the human being is widely endowed, and at the same time constitutes a necessity for him. Also says that the existence without love supposes a void in a very important part of our psychic life.

After having read this points of view I think that I agree with the second one, the relativist one. I think this question of love is complicated and that you can see it from differents positions. My point of view is moderated. By one hand I feel that some people looks for love outside because they don't feel comfortable with themselves or they need love because they don't love themselves. By another hand I really think love is necessary and it's an important thing in our life, even if it comes from a partner or from  friends or family. Also I think you should love yourself and learn to stay comfortable alone in order to love an other and be loved.

dijous, 16 de març del 2017



1. Discuss. Why do we love? It’s heart-breaking and complicated most of the times yet do we need it at all? 

I think we all need love, not in the same way as there are differents ways to love and be loved but I think that as humans we have the instint and necessity to love. That love doesn't have necessary to come from your partner, as there are people who enjoy to living alone but from your parents, friends, pet... Also I don't think most of times love is heart-breaking and complicated, it depends of how do you love and you let to be loved. So for me, love is a natural instint and we can't fight to it, so we just have to find the healty way to love in order to not suffer. 

2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order:(Intoxicating, Heart-breaking, Beautiful, Soul crushing)

1-Beautiful           2-Intoxicating            3-Hearth-breaking          4-Soul crushing

3. What are the 5 Philosophers mentioned?  

1- Plato       2- Schopenhauer      3- Russell     4- Buddha     5- Beauvoir

4. Watch again and write each Philosopher’s view on love.

1- PLATO: "Love make us whole again". He says that we just love to become complete.

2- SCHOPENHAUER: "Love tricks us into having babies". He thinks that love is based on sexual desire.

3- RUSSELL: "Love is escape from our loneliness". He says that we love to satisfy our physical and psychological desire. 

4- BUDDHA: "Love is a misleading affliction". He says that we love because we are trying to satisfy our base desires.

5- BEAUVOIR: "Love lets us reach beyond ourselves". Love is the desire to integrate with another and that it infuses our lives with meaning.

5. Vocabulary work. Which Philosopher says what?

1)Dependance on another means boredom and power games: Simone de Beauvoir

2)We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human tragedy: Shopenhauer

3)Quench our physical and psychological desires: Russell  

4)It enriches our whole being together: Russell

5)Attachments are a great source of suffering: Buddha

6)Love is the longing to find a soulmate who makes us feel whole again: Plato

7)Love infuses our life with meaning: Simone de Beauvoir



I like this topic because I usally get quicky stressed. As I know there are two types of stress: eustress(positive) and distress (negative).About stress, in my case, I think is in part something positive because is what makes me be activated and be productive like the day before an important exam (eustress). But by another hand it’s also a problem because stress comes from worries and being worried doesn't solve anything (distress). Also I think many worries comes when we take too many responsabilities we don't have to take, especially teenagers. But in the case of adults I don’t think they should leave away some worries so they will be happier… then maybe they will regret.  So the conclusion I could say is that we should try to have eustress, the positive stress and try to eliminate the distress, the negative one that provides nothing. 

Nip Tuck Dialogue

-Doctor: Welcome Sr. Tell me why are you here please?
-Will: Yeah… Well, I mean… eyes… my eyes… oh, shit!
-Doctor: Keep calm man, it's ok. What's going on with your eyes?
-Doctor: Oh yes! If you don't feel comfortable with your concealer we can fix it putting some Botox, doing surgery, pushing up your eyebrows…
-Will: Well, that's not what I …
-Doctor: Or we can also do that your eyes seem bigger…
-Will: Shut up for a fucking minute… please Sr!
What I was thinking of is the possibility to change the colour of them. I mean it's simple, just fix the fucking shit colour.
-Doctor: Oh that's not that simple. Here we just do plastic surgery, you should go to an oculist. The only possibility we can offer you is to use…
-Will: …Yeah, yeah… ok… so goodbye, I will do it by my own.
-Doctor: Hey man! Don't speak me like this… what I was trying to say is that I don't want to change your eyes because… they are beautiful!
(Will gets up and comes closer to the doctor)
-Will: Your eyes are beautiful too.
(Doctor gets closer… and when he is trying to kiss him, Will pull up the eye of the Doctor and shout)
-Will: Uahahahhaha, fuck you eff, go to the hell, now I have what I want.
-Doctor: Ahhhhh!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WTF!
-Will: Uahahah, since I was little my biggest dream was to see the world with another perspective and the only way to accomplish it is having diferents eyes.
(The nurse opens the door and falls because of a blood puddle.)
-Nurse: OMG! W… Wh... Whatttt??? Who are you? I’m going to call the police if…
-Will: Shut up or I’m going to kill you mucky
(The Nurse starts to cry)
-Will: Ok, Ok relax. I’m a good person I just wanted a new pair of eyes to have a better understanding about the world, so I pulled up the doctor’s eyes.
-Nurse: But… but your consultation was to change the color of your eyes, not to kill the DOCTOR!!! I’m going to call the police, wait here
-Will: Please no, It was an accident.
-Nure: How dare you to say that if you just told me your real intention.
( The Nurse stands up and goes to call the police, but when she is opening the door, the nurse breaks the door’s handle and this falls on the floor)
-Rob: CUT!! You shit it up! This wasn’t supposed to happen. Plus, the camera wasn’t leveled! Shit now we have to roll the scene again.
-Cris: Stand by to shoot! Headsets for the director. Three, two, one, off we go! ROLL!!  


In general I don't believe in love at first sight as the first time I saw my actual boyfriend before we were something I even repair on him. Love at first sight it's impossible. In a first sight you can only see the apareance so you can only feel physicaly attracted. You can't know the person. By otherwise it's true that there is something else apart of the physic, talking materialy, that makes you feel that this person is in a concret way. That would be the voice and what you feel by no-verbal language, the way he moves, his facial expressions... So I think that at first sight you can love that but this anyway doesn't represent the way he is, his personality.

dimecres, 15 de març del 2017



Nowadays Technology is innovating and discovering a lot of things that years ago seemed to be impossible. So I really believe in the power of technology and science in order to make the human life better. So in my opinion the problem isn’t in the capacity of Technology but in the society. When I say society I mean the way of thinking the values, the priorities. The problem is that in order to be able to develop the technology it must have to exist a powerful propose and the will to do it, as in the video of ted, the arrival to the moon. So I think we are totally able Technology speaking to solve bid problems as puberty or cancer but to do it, all the attention should be concentrated, and the reality is that we use our technology resources in other in other things that are useful but don’t solve the big problems. 



Since some years in Roses there is a campaign about carnival as it is known that the traditional party of the carnival has evaluated to aexaggerated party in which Young people get drunk and consume drugs. In front of the results of the carnival, a lot of ethyl coma, injuries, rapes, etc. the town hall of Roses decided to create a campaign warning that in carnival not everything is allowed. This campaign is the week before of carnival and is directed to Young people and there they invited the schools of the surroundings of Roses and Roses. There they show the consequences of the carnival  and they conscientize to be prudent. I think this is a very good idea as Young people are not conscientious of the dangers in which you can get involved. 



This news item was published in the web site called English in levels, the 15th of May 2016. The article talks about a very original bar situated in London, called Bar D'Alsace-tian. The bar is so special because once a week, there are dogs which have been trained to be staff. The work of these dogs is to bring beer to the costumers. The way they do it is putting the bottle inside the barrels they wear in the collar.

I found this news and It made me laugh so I decided to write about it. I think it is a very original and funny idea to make your bar look different from others. Also it is said that dogs are the best friend of humans so I think it’s a pleasant place for dog lovers. I would really like to go there and see how the dogs are trained and how they act. 



“Detective Conan” is a TV show of Japanese animation in which there is a very intelligent teenager able to solve any cases of murders. He wants to investigate a mysterious organization, but they realize that the teenager is spying on them and they decide to give him a deadly pill. The pill has a manufacturing error and the effect makes the teenager rejuvenate to be a child of 7 year old.
From there, the little detective will have to discover who are the people of the organization to recover his original body.
I think the only issue of this TV Show is that the plot advance very slow, that is, there are many chapters that do not contain main plot, but there are also good and enjoyables.
It's a very complete TV Show, which has adventure, drama, comedy, fiction, romance, etc, accompanied by some very charismatic characters.



This news item was posted on 6th May 2016 on a web site called English in levels. The article talks about the chance to win a special experience that Airbnb Company has offer to his users. This experience for the winners is to have a night in an underwater bedroom at Aquarium of Paris. This bedroom is submerged in three million litres of water in a tank ten metres deep with the company of 35 sharks.

This news item surprised and scared me a lot. I would never participate to win this experience. I don’t like sharks and even less stay during I don’t know how many hours surrounded by a lot of them. I guess it’s a safe place but I’m sure I won’t sleep during the whole night. For me seeing them in an aquarium during some minutes is enough. But anyway I don’t agree with the idea of aquariums so more reasons for which I won’t participate. Would you?

PD: You can see a video of this unusual bedroom in this link.



My soul mate would be a person which I love and which has the same values as me. It wouldn't be an identical me but a person which I really trust and which I feel confortable and myself. Would be someone which I share thoughts and hobbies. Also I would admire his personality and I would not judge him in any case. We would enjoy being together and we would understand the other and never wish nothing bad happened to the other. Would be pur love. Finally abviously would be a person which I feel attracked to . I have boyfriend and having say that I could say that he could be my soulmate.