divendres, 19 de maig del 2017



This term we have seen The declaracion of human rights and now I'm going to expose my opinion about them.

 As a humans that lives in comunity and that have the feature to be rational and intelligents beings, we are able to do whatever we want. This power has been used to do a lot of things that are unethical and that doesn't make the whole human beings  to have certain rights that are necessary in order to live better and don't suffer injustice.

So for my The declaration of human rights is really important as is a ethical, fair, necessary and equal document that as the objective to make the society better regardless the different countries and cultures.

So I stand for them and I only regret that although the objective is clear, this document hasn't been accepted as a political document in all countries. So still is not put into practice. 

dimecres, 17 de maig del 2017


Are love limits romantic or a menace? Write for or against essay about this practice


There are a lot of kinds of relation as well as different ways to love and diferent kinds of people, and as a result everybody has his opinion about love.
Now I'm going to explain mine about love limits.

For me, love limits are not a menace. Two people who decide to be together, at the same time they are deciding the kind of relation they want. For people who want an open relationship where they can stay with other people, love limits can be a menace. For others that love just one person and are not interested in other people in a sexual way, love limits are romantics or, directly there aren't considerated limits, as proves to the other that his love is restrict and special.

So in conclusion the opinion of love limits it really depends on people. Some could feel it like menace, others like romance, and it's alright.


Write an speech addressed to the UNO general delegates denouncing the resourgence of slavery.


Hello everybody if I'm here in front of all of you is because not everything is going right and althrough it's a shame there are still serious problemes that attempt the dignity apart of other humans rights.
The resourgence of slavery proves that there are political and social systems that are not focused and doesn't take care of their habitants. To be free of slavery is a human right as well as many others that are not being followed is the conditions of a slave . They are not treated like humans.

It seems crazy and impossible this condition that only shows the immaturity of people who controls the power. Said that, I think things can't continue like this so: What are we going to do?


You are an Erasmus student. One professor asks you to talk to your class about the Catalan language and culture. Write the text of your presentacion.


Catalunya is a rich community for so many things. I was born there and I love my country so I would like you to know how it is. 

First of all Catalunya is a very nice place, with beaches with crystal waters and a lot of nature and mountains. Apart of the landscapes the culture is also rich and important. There are typical dances and songs like "la sardana" and also we have a language that is just spoken here.
From other part the food is amazing and the Mediterranean diet is one of the best of the world. Nevertheless we have important painting and scultures as well as buildings like "Sagrada familia" by Gaudí.

In conclusion for these things and so many others, Catalunya is a really nice place to visit. I hope you do it one day.

dijous, 11 de maig del 2017


Spain is significantly below the OECD average in PISA test. What do you think is needed to improve our education system? Write an opinion essay in which you take into account the school system, the teachers and the students. 

As the OECD average in PISA test, Spain is significantly below. The intelligence of spanish people isn't less than people from other countries so the difference remains on the spanish education system. 

From my point of view the problem is that students don't feel luckly to have the right of education. They are forced to study and for them studuiong is a thing most of time they don't want to do. Also they are obligated to study subjects they don't like. As a result students are not motivated to learn as it means time and efford. Also teachers are not conscious that students have differents ways to learn and also different kinds of intelligence. 

In conclusion the education at system in my opinion is not well focused on what it should be. Finally I think the system should be more open-minded in order to see the gaps it has. 


What are the factors that have helped you to learn a foreign lenguage? 

Nowadays it is really important to know foreign languages as more than never we travel around the world for holidays or work. Learning a lenguage can be difficult if you just study two hours a week in school, so you have to found other ways.

In my experience what I have been doing is learning through different ways. The most important for me is learning through films or series in english. Also, with my parents, we have always looked for countries to travel were english is more or less present in order to practice it. Another way that helps is to talk in english with a friend who has a betther lever than you. Finally, and most important is to read english books that the school offers or pick up some in the library. 

In conclusion I have said some ways that help me in order to learn english so as we can see we can adapt english in various aspects of our life, you just have to find your ways. 


Divorce rates are increasing in Europe. Does this means that marriage is in crisis? Are you in favor or against marriage? 

As the divorce rates show there is an increasy of divorce numbers in Europe. Divorce has not always been allowed so we could think that's normal. But is it?

From my point of view getting divorced is not a rare thing. People meet and fall in love, but after some years so many things can change so maybe the couple don't feel comfortable with the other anymore. I don't think that this means marriage has lost importance or that this is a "society invention" that doesn't work anymore in this constantly changing society.

So in conclusion I think everybody has the right to do what he wants and that feels more comfortable and happy doing.